"Archie" 6 weeks old

"Archie" 10 weeks old

Archie" Smiling at 10 Weeks

"Esther" at 6 weeks

"Esther" at 6 weeks

"Esther" at 10 weeks

"Esther's" Head at 10 weeks

Caitlyn with Ambermist Gale Force CD JD "Willow"
Nedlands Foreshore - 6 November 2005

My daughter Caitlyn with Ambermist Gale Force CD JD "Willow" 
were winners of the T-Shirt Race - which was one of the 
many fun games held on the day.

"Cooper Welsford" (Ambermist Limitd Edition)
at 9 weeks exploring the garden

"Watson" and "Harry"

"Photo courtesy Jenni Lodge"
Harry's son "Riley" giving me a smile.
I'm sure if Riley was given a show trim he could hold his own in the ring
but we know he prefers to be nothing other than being Jenni and 
Rob Lodge's loved companion.

Ambermist Loch Lomond "River" at 9 weeks


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This page was last edited :  25 July 2019