"Lachlan" 6.5 weeks

"Lachlan" 6.5 weeks

Nedlands Foreshore - 6 November 2005

Wendy Perry and Ambermist Keep the 
Peace "Mac" performing well at their first 
attempt at weaving through the agility poles

Caitlyn with "Willow" and Tess and 
Hamish McCamley with "Millie"
all trying to dress their Golden 
in a t-shirt as fast as they can - 
not easy but hilarious to watch!

Caitlyn with "Murphy" - 
winners of the Musical Mat Race

Me and Ambermist Kiss Me Quick "Esther" 
giving an obedience display - 
a faultless first attempt for a 4 month old pup!

Hamish with his Mum Claire McCamley 
and "Millie" after their win 
at the Musical Mat Race

Joan Perks and her Ambermist Gale 
Force CD JD "Willow" 
entertained us with a great agility 
demonstration - thanks Joan and "Willow"! 

Lake Monger - 7 August 2005

Some of "Watson" and "Tilly's" 9 month old pups with their owners 
who managed to sit still long enough for a "family reunion photo".

From Left to Right:
Marian and Joanna with "Bobbie", Natalie with "Minnie", Tess and Hamish with "Millie",
 my daughter Caitlyn with "Watson" (pup's Dad), Rebecca with "Angel" 
and Katie with "Jamie". Grandfather "Harry" reclining in the front.

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This page was last edited :  25 July 2019